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ZIP Archives

ZIP archive updates are intended for 'portable' software, which you extract and run without an installer. If your software has an installer, it is strongly recommended that you package your updates as an installer too.

Usage and Requirements

To use, just put the ZIP address as the downloadUrl in your configuration.

The ZIP file:

  • must be an actual ZIP file, i.e. not 7-zip, tarball, WinRAR, etc.
  • will be extracted verbatim in the same folder as your executable; this means that should contain foo.exe in its' root, not foo/foo.exe

By default:

  • files that are not in the ZIP will not be modified
  • files that already exist will be overwritten by the version in the ZIP

See Customizing Behavior for how to change to change this.


If you launch the updater from your executable, you will probably want to use the --terminate-process-before-update option.

If you include the updater in your zip, you will need to handle updating the updater; there are two ways to do this:

  • Recommended: set the runAsTemporaryCopy option to true
  • set the updater disposition to CreateIfAbsent (see below)

If you do not do either, installing your update will fail when attempting to replace the updater, as the file will be in use.

Customizing Behavior

By default:

  • files that are not in the ZIP will not be modified
  • files that already exist will be overwritten by the version in the ZIP

For both the default and individual paths, you can choose between:

  • CreateOrReplace: the path is always created/updated
  • CreateIfAbsent: the path is created if not present, but left alone if it's already there
  • DeleteIfPresent: the path is deleted if present; there is no error if it is absent

You can change the default with the zipExtractDefaultFileDisposition configuration option, or change it for specific paths with the zipExtractFileDispositionOverrides key; for example:

    "releases": [
            "name": "My Tool",
            "version": "2024.7.18",
            "summary": "Blah blah blah",
            "publishedAt": "2024-07-18T13:15:35Z",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "zipExtractDefaultFileDisposition": "CreateOrReplace",
            "zipExtractFileDispositionOverrides": {
                "My-Obsolete-Helper.exe": "DeleteIfPresent",